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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Croeso i ddosbarth 2!



Dear Parents,

Welcome back! We hope you have had a fantastic summer break. We are looking forward to another busy year and working with you to ensure your child is happy, settled and making good progress in their learning.

Here is here some information that you may find useful for your child's time in Year 2.

P.E. will be on a Thursday. Your child will need shorts, a T-Shirt and trainers. P.E. bags can be left on your child's coat peg.

In the afternoons we offer the children fruit and healthy snacks. We ask for a contribution of £10 per term to help buy supplies. Children can continue to bring a healthy snack (fruit/water) from home for morning playtime.

To ensure all children are collected safely from school we ask that you queue along the path around back of the school and inform us of whom you are collecting. If anyone unfamiliar to us is going to be collecting your child could you please let us know.

Reading books are required to be in school on a Monday and a Wednesday. At this point in their learning, we encourage the children to read other books at home as well as their school books. This helps to develop a love of reading and access to a range of genres. In addition to this the children will also have Guided Group Reading sessions. As well as listening to the children read, Guided Group Reading also provides opportunities to teach reading skills and to assess them.

Children will receive a list of High Frequency Words (HFW) which they will need to learn how to spell. When they are confident please return the list to school and the next list will be issued on the following Friday.

Homework in Year 2 will be given every Friday in the form of ‘Challenges.’ The challenges encourage children to develop their Numeracy, Literacy and Thinking Skills.

Our Topic for this Autumn Term is ‘Remember, Remember.’ We plan on doing lots of fun and challenging work based on The Great Fire of London.

If you have any concerns regarding your child or if there are any queries please don't hesitate to ask.


Many Thanks

Miss F. Edwards (Deputy Head Teacher/Class Teacher)

Mrs L.Evans (Learning Support Assistant)

Mrs J. Carroll (Learning Support Assistant)

