Concept - Business
Our Big Statement...
If you are what you eat, what would you be?
This term the pupils will be working collaboratively, to become successful Mini Apprentices'! They will be generating ideas in groups, setting goals, making decisions and evaluating their learning all through the process of enjoyment!!
The pupils will be market researching, looking at ‘healthy options’ available to them in the local area as well as nationally. A visit to the Co-op and searching online will help gather the information they need.
Pupils will then be designing and making their very own Scrumdiddlyumous Smoothie to sell, where they will be advertising, designing, making, selling and calculating the profit made.
Concept - CULTURE Big Statement - LET'S PERFORM!
This term pupils will engage themselves as listeners, viewers, readers, narrators and creators. These experiences will support them to appreciate a creator’s craft as well as develop their own creative skills. They will be encouraged to experience and respond to a variety of diverse literature that gives them insight into the culture, people and history of Wales as well as the wider world. Through this, as their understanding of their own and other people’s experiences, beliefs and cultures is enhanced, pupils will develop their ability to demonstrate empathy. This in turn can contribute to their emotional and mental well-being. In all, the literary experiences offered will aim to spark learners’ imagination and creativity and help to build a lifelong love of literature. |