Summer Term Concept - MOVEMENT
Our concept this term is ‘Movement’
and our big question is
‘I like to move it, move it.
How shall I move it?'
Through Expressive Arts, primarily through the disciplines
of drama and art we will explore, experience, interpret,
create and respond to various stimuli.
Our class engagement story is a ‘movement story’
which introduces and explores the movement
concepts of body, levels and pathways:-
The Painter and the Elves by Helen Landalf.
Spring Term Concept - BELONGING
Our concept this term is ‘Belonging’
and our big question is
‘Is my house my home?’
We will be learning to recognise places that
are important to us, developing a sense of place
and sense of belonging, as embodied
in the Welsh word ‘cynefin’.
Our class story is ’Three Little Sheep’ by Rob Lewis.