Half Term Homework
We have started learning the Welsh poem 'Daffodil' for the Eisteddfod so for homework I'd like you to practise it at home. The words are below.
For the second part of your homework I'd like you to make a craft daffodil. You could use boxes, tissue paper, paint or any craft items you have around the house. Have fun making your models! Please bring them into school on Monday 4th March.
Have a lovely Half Term holiday.
Daffodil, daffodil
Dw i'n gwisgo daffodil.
Mae hi'n Ddydd Gwyl Dewi Sant.
Dw i'n gwisgo daffodil.
'Y Ddraig Goch'
'Y Ddraig Goch'
Dw i'n chwifio 'Y Ddraig Goch'.
Mae hi'n Ddydd Gwyl Dewi Sant.
Dw i'n chwifio 'Y Ddraig Goch'.
Bwyta cawl, bwyta cawl
Dw i'n hoffi bwyta cawl.
Mae hi'n Ddydd Gwyl Dewi Sant.
Dw i'n hoffi bwyta cawl.
07.12.18. Homework
As we have been looking at 2d shapes in class this week and talking about their properties, I would like you to look around the rooms in your home to find all the circles, triangles, rectangles and squares you can see e.g. a rectangular TV. Draw a picture of these and say what the shape is. Bring your picture into school by Tuesday to show to the rest of the class.
Homework 23.11.18
For homework this week I would like you to play shop at home using 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins. Can you make amounts up to 10p e.g. ‘buy’ a teddy for 8p and use either eight 1ps or one 5p and three 1ps etc?
Homework for Friday 9.11.18
Follow this link to You Tube and practise the 2X table with this fun song:
Remember to only go on the internet with a parent or adult to supervise.
Have fun singing!
Half Term Homework
As we have been learning about The Great Fire of London and looking at the houses and buildings that burned down, for homework I would like you to make one of those buildings e.g. a wooden house, St Paul's Cathedral, a church.
You could use boxes and craft items, Lego etc. Can I please ask that cereal boxes and those that have contained nut products are not used due to allergies in school.
Please bring your model into school by Tuesday November 6th to show to the class and we will put all the models together to construct 'London' in school.
Also can you practise looking at different coins so you know what each one is worth. Ask a parent to let you 'have a go' paying for small amounts in shops during the half term holiday.
19.10.18 Homework - Word Families Challenge
As we have been practising our word families in school, I'd like you to think of some words ending in -at, -ap and -an at home e.g. cat, map, fan. How many different ones can you think of? Can you then put some of these in sentences and tell them to an adult?
12.10.18 Number Challenge Homework
We have been practising addition in class this week and writing a number sentence with + and = signs.
Can you add together 2 groups of toys at home up to 10 in total and practise writing a number sentence
e.g. 5 + 2 = 7
05.10.18 Homework - Sensory Adjectives Walk
Go on a walk around your home or local area. Using your senses describe what you come across using as many describing words as you can e.g. a big, red fire engine, a tall green tree, a shiny, fast car etc.
Good luck!
Number Challenge Homework 28.09.18
We have been practising reading and writing numbers this week and making sure that we start in the correct place when writing them. For homework I'd like you to practise forming numbers to 20 in a variety of ways e.g. use paint and paper, chalk on the floor outside, use water and a paintbrush or write in sand.
Remember to always start at the top of the number and keep practising any reversals until you are more confident. Take care with the teens numbers in particular to make sure the 1 comes first. If you are managing these well then do the same for numbers in the 20s and 30s.
14.09.18 Number Challenge Homework
This week we have been counting a variety of objects in school and matching them to the correct number or practising writing that number.
Can you count sets of up to 20 items at home e.g. toy cars, pasta pieces, books, buttons, Lego? Do this several times with different amounts. If you find this easy then increase the number of items.
14.09.18 Class Visit to Neath Fire Station
Year 1 had a lovely time visiting Neath Fire Station this week. They asked lots of good questions, listened well and learnt that if there's a fire you must 'Get out, stay out, dial 999.' They also had the opportunity to sit in a fire engine which they really enjoyed.
Dear Parents,
Welcome back! We hope you have had a fantastic Summer break. We are looking forward to a busy year and working with you to ensure your child is happy, settled and making good progress in their learning.
Here is some information that you may find helpful for your child's time in Year 1.
Mrs Rogers will teach the class Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Mrs Reason will teach the class Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Morgan is the class Learning Support Assistant Monday to Friday. Mrs Wells will also be supporting in the class at several other times throughout the week.
Pupils may bring a healthy snack (fruit/water) to school for morning break times. We will be offering fruit and healthy snacks in the afternoon. We ask for a donation of £10 per term to help us buy supplies.
P.E. will be on Monday. Your child will need shorts, a T-Shirt and trainers. P.E. kits can be left on your child's coat peg. We ask if all kit can be fully labelled to avoid any kit from getting lost.
To ensure all children are collected safely from school we ask that you queue along the path around the back of the school and inform us of whom you are collecting. If anyone unfamiliar is going to be collecting your child from school could you please let us know.
We will be sending a reading book and reading record home shortly. More information to follow soon. Homework in Year 1 will be given every Friday in the form of ‘Challenges.’ The challenges encourage children to develop their Numeracy, Literacy and Thinking Skills.
Our Topic for the Autumn term is ‘Remember Remember.' This theme has a history focus and teaches the children about The Great Fire of London. We plan on doing lots of fun and challenging activities based around this theme, starting with a visit to the Fire Station in Cimla.
If you have any concerns or queries please don't hesitate to ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs T Rogers & Mrs S Reason (Class Teachers)
Mrs V Morgan & Mrs H Wells (Learning Support Assistants)
Word lists
This week we will be sending home all word lists completed to date and will also send the next 2 lists to complete over the summer. We will not be sending any reading books home.
Homework 29.06.18
In our Language lessons this week we have been using alliteration to make our own sentences. Your task is to make alliteration sentences for as many animals as you can think of e.g. Peppa Pig paints or Cathy Cat climbs
Homework 17.05.18
This weeks task has been set online. You’ll need your activelearn account to access the game Tumble-down den.
mamy thanks
Homework 07.06.18
Your homework this week has been set online. You will need your ActiveLearn account details to access the game 'Marching Madness'.
Many Thanks
PE Kits
As it is now the Summer Term and hopefully we will have some nice weather we will be doing PE outside. Can you please make sure that suitable footwear is brought in to school or worn in to school every Friday please.
Homework 10.05.18
We have been learning and practising our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. For homework I would like you keep practising these. We have been using YouTube to help us in class.
Many Thanks
Homework 23.03.18
Your homework this week has been set up online. You will need your active learn account to access it.
Homework 15.03.18
In our literacy lessons this week we have been rhyming different words. For homework I would like you to think of as many words as you can that rhyme with the following words:
Homework to be completed by Monday
Many thanks
Homework 09.03.18
For homework this week I would like you all to learn your address as part of our topic 'Community Explorers'.
Many thanks
Half Term homework
You have quite a busy half term ahead Year 1! You need to practise reciting our class poem 'Daffodil' ready for Eisteddfod on Thursday March 1st. You will be sent a copy of the poem home tomorrow to practise.
You also need to make a craft for the Eisteddfod competition, our craft must be of a daffodil. How you design the daffodil is up to you, in the past we have had children make them out of dough, wood etc so the choice is yours!
Your final piece of homework is for another competition this time for the charity 'Show racism the red card'. You will be given a template of a t-shirt on which you can design in any way you think that shows us that me must treat everyone as an equal.
Homework to be completed by Monday February 26th. We hope you have a great Halft Term!
Many thanks
Community Explorers
Our Topic this term is called 'Community Explorers' and as part of the topic we will be attempting to build models of houses and shops etc in the community. If you have any boxes etc that you plan on getting rid of please send them in as they will be of great use to us.
Homework 08.02.18
Homework has been set online this week. Please use your Active Learn account details to access it. The game is called 'Clam collector'.
Many thanks
Homework 01.02.18
For homework this week I would like you to keep practising your 2 and 10 times tables. Log on to YouTube where there are many different songs to help you like we do in class.
Homework 25.01.18
For homework for this week you have been set an online game. You will need your Active Learn account details.
Homework 12.01.18
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas holidays and welcome you all back to the Spring Term. For homework this week you will need your active learn account and you will need to complete the game 'Pesky Pests'.
Many thanks
To all parents,
Thank you for all the wonderful cards and presents that you have given us. We would also like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 👍 🎉 🌲
Mr Llewellyn
Mrs Reason
Mrs Matthews
Homework 14.12.17
This week we have been busy learning all about 2D shapes and their properties. For homework I would like you to find examples of different 2D shapes from around your house.
Homework 07.12.17
This weeks homework has been set online. You’ll need your active learn account to access the task. The game is called ‘sea-shack smash’.
Homework 30.11.17
We had a big surprise this week as we received a letter from Santa! We have been busy replying to Santa using the school's address, which we have been learning. Your homework task this week is to learn your address ready to write a letter next week.
Many thanks
Homework 23.11.17
You all seem to be enjoying our new online homework so I've added 2 new games for you to complete this week. The game is called 'Hedgehog Hurry' you will find levels B and C to complete (can you start with level C please)
Also can you please make sure that all book bags are brought in on Fridays so we can listen to you read
Many thanks
Homework 17.11.17
You will need your active learn accounts this week for homework. There are 2 games to attempt this week- 'Toucan Team' which is comparing heights and 'Starfish Strike' which is a coin recognition game.
Many thanks
Homework 09.11.17
For homework this week you need to access the following website: www.activelearnprimary.co.uk
I sent home a note home today with all the log in information that you need to access the homework. Once logged in you will see the homework task I have allocated you, it is based on place value.
Any problems accessing the website and logging in please let me know.
Many thanks
Homework 19.10.17
For homework this week I would like you to practise forming all letters especially letters b, d, j and z. Once practised forming the letters can you practise the letter sound please by playing games such as I spy etc.
Homework 12.10.17
This week we have been working on diary entries and have written a whole class diary entry in preparation for writing our own independently next week. For homework I would like you to draw a recount map of something you do over the weekend. Remember to sequence events in the correct order.
Homework to be completed by Monday
Homework 05.10.17
For homework this week I would like you to look in your house at the different types of materials used to package food e.g. Plastic, cardboard etc.
Homework to be completed by Monday
Homework 28.09.17
Your homework this week is to practise writing numbers up to 20. You can practise by either writing numbers with a pencil or be more creative and practise writing numbers using chalk or using shaving foam and your finger for example. Remember to pay particular attention to the formation of numbers 3, 5, 6 and 9.
many thanks
Homework 21.09.17
Your task this week is to think of as many different items you can buy in a supermarket. Homework to be completed by Monday as we will be discussing these items during Topic lessons next week.
Many thanks
Reading books
Your child will be bringing home a reading book and reading record on Friday. Could they both be brought in on a Monday and a Friday so we can listen to you read please. Also if you read at home can you please make a little comment in the reading record and include what pages were read.
Many thanks
Homework 14.09.17
For homework this week we would like you to practise counting any household items up to 100 items. Then can you try grouping and counting the items in groups of 10s.
Many thanks
Welcome to Year 1
Hello and welcome to Year 1. We hope you had a fantastic Summer break and we have enjoyed getting to know you this week. Please see attached the useful information sheet that we sent home on Tuesday.
Please continue to check this page as all homework will be set here on a Thursday.
I you have any queries please don't hesitate to ask.
Many thanks
Mrs Reason & Mr Llewellyn
Where has this year gone?
Only seems like yesterday we were sending out your welcome letter to Year 1!
It has been a pleasure getting to know each and every one of you in the class this year, you have been a brilliant class to teach.
We would also just like to thank all the parents for your support this year.
I have uploaded some extra games on the active learn site to keep practising over the summer.
We wish you all the best in Year 2.
Many thanks
Mr Llewellyn
Mrs Reason
Mrs Brown
Homework 30.06.17
For homework this week I would like you to research your favourite superhero villain or if you do not know any villains you can design your own. You can draw, paint or find a picture of the villain on the internet to talk about.
Homework to be completed by Monday
Homework 22.06.17
This weeks homework can be found online. We have been learning how to tell the time this week and the homework reflects some of the work we have done.
Many thanks
Homework 15.06.17
For this weeks homework you will need your active learn account. The game that I have allocated is called Balloon pop. The game is an addition game.
Many thanks
PE kits
Can you make sure that all PE kits are brought in to school tomorrow please (Friday 9th June). Hopefully we will have some nice weather this term (fingers crossed) and will be able to do PE outside, so could you make sure that as well as your PE kit that you bring or wear a pair of trainers to school.
Many thanks
Homework 08.06.17
For this week's homework we would like you to imagine that you are a superhero with 'super vision' as your superpower. Can you draw/design me your superhero and tell me how having this superpower could help you save the world!
Homework to be completed by Monday
Many thanks
Homework 18.05.17
Recently we have been learning how to describe famous people. In class we have described both the Queen and Minnie Mouse by describing what they look like, what they like and dislike, what their job/talent is and who their family and friends are.
Your task this week is to think of someone you know either a family, friend or famous person and describe them using the sub headings above.
Homework to be completed by Monday
Many thanks
Homework 11/05/17
This weeks homework has been set online. You will need your Active Learn details to access it. The game on there is working with money which we have been working on in class.
Many thanks
Homework 05/05/17
This week we have been learning about alliteration. We have been writing alliteration sentences for a range of superheroes as part of our Literacy and Topic work. Your task this week is to to write down an alliteration about your favourite TV character. Remember an alliteration is when all the words in a sentence start with the same sound!
Homework to be completed by Monday
Summer Term
Dear Parent/ Carer,
Welcome back and we hope you all had a great Easter Holiday.
We have a very busy term ahead of us and we look forward to seeing you all.
Our Topic this term is 'Superheroes' which I'm sure you are going to love. Some of the things you are going to be doing over the coming term include: designing your own Superhero using ICT, we will be exploring how Superheroes exercise, investigating what healthy food they eat and you will also be writing a story about a Superhero plus much more!
A few quick reminders
We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow
Easter homework
After the Easter holidays our new class topic will be 'Superheroes'. So to give you a taste of what might be in store you will each be given a superhero template and your task is to design your own using the template. You need to think about their costume and what superpower they have. Please bring your superhero back on Wednesday April 27th ready to discuss your design.
We would also like you to keep practising all spelling words and reading books that we will be sending home on Friday. Can you also keep practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s like we do in class.
Finally we hope you have a lovely Easter break and we look forward to seeing you all in the Summer Term.
Homework 30.03.17
For homework this week you will need your active learn account details. You will find there has been at least 2 games set this week.
Many thanks
Homework 23.03.17
This week we have been learning and writing about blurbs. For homework we would like you to write a blurb based on your reading book.
Homework to be completed by Monday.
Many thanks
Homework 16.03.17
For homework this week we would like to you to type up or copy your favourite poem. We intend to put the poems up on display in on our Literacy wall. We will also discuss why you chose the poem during a Literacy lesson next week.
Many thanks
Homework- 09.03.17
This week we have been using adjectives to make a free verse class poem on the topic of the beach. For homework we would like you to think of adjectives to describe a carnival. Think about what you might see, feel and hear in one to help you think of ideas.
Many thanks
Homework 02.03.17
This week your homework has been set online. You will need your active learn account details to access the page. You should find 2 games for you to attempt. The homework will recap work we have done on shapes and lead us in to next weeks work.
Many thanks
Half Term homework
For homework to be completed during half term we are sending home a Welsh poem titled 'Daffodil' we have been practising reciting the poem in class but we would like you to continue to practise reciting the poem during half term. We will be reading the poem during our Eisteddfod on Wednesday March 1st. Also for the Eisteddfod we would like you to design a daffodil. How you design the daffodil is up to you. Some suggestions we have told the class included: paint, sew a daffodil, make one out of wood etc. The choice is up to you. The daffodils will be judged during the Eisteddfod.
We hope you have a great half term and we will see you all on Monday February 27.
09.02.17- Homework
This week in Maths we have been learning all about money and what coins we can use to pay for various items. For homeowrk I would like you to set up a shop at home and practise buying and selling items. We have been working with prices up to £1.
Many thanks
02.02.17- Homework
This week we have been learning how to count on and back using a 100 square. We are sending a 100 square home with the children to continue to practise at home. We have been paying particular attention in making sure that from numbers such as 21, 31, 41 we cont back to 20, 30, 40.
Homework to be completed by Monday
Many thanks
This weeks homework has been set online. You will need your active learn account to access the task. We would also like children to practise spelling their full name. All homework to be completed by Monday.
Many thanks
This weeks homeowrk has been set online. You will need your active learn account details to access it. Homeowrk to be completed by Monday.
12.01.17- Homework
This term our topic is 'Carnivals' and this week we have been discussing many features of a carnival. Your task this week is to design a carnival mask like the ones we have looked at this week.
Many thanks
Dear Parents/Carers
We have not sent any spelling books home this week due to many spelling books not being returned after Chtristmas. Can you please make sure all spelling books are in on Monday.
Can you also make sure that all PE kits are brought in by next Friday at the latest please.
Thank you for your support.
Welcome back and we hope you all had a lovely Christmas and wish you all a Happy New Year.
This week's homework has been set online. The game is available using your active learn account and is a recap of some of the place value work we completed last term.
Homework to be completed by Monday 9.1.17
Many thanks
Hi everyone this is just a quick message to say we will not be sending any spelling lists home for Christmas and there will be no homework set either. We have decided to do this as a little reward for the children who have worked so hard this term and always bring homework, spelling and reading books in on time and complete.
We'd also like to thank you for your ongoing support.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
See you on Wednesday 4th January.
Many thanks
Mr Llewellyn
Mrs Reason
Mrs Brown
Hello from everyone in Year 1. We've had a really busy week! We have been making Christmas cards and designing them. We have even been writing letters to Santa about what we'd like for Christmas. In Mathematical Development we have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. In RE we have been thinking of questions we would like to ask the 3 wise men. We also been really busy practising our handwriting.
Homework 08.12.16
This week we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. I would like you to see how many different shapes you can find in and around your home.
Homework to be completed by Monday.
Homework 01.12.2016
For this weeks homework you will need your active learn log in details.
The homework is based on partitioning numbers in to tens and units.
Homework to be completed by Monday
Many thanks
Welcome to Year 1!
Croeso i ddosbarth 1!
Useful information
Dear Parents,
Welcome back and we hope you have had a fantastic Summer break. We are looking forward to working with you to ensure your child is happy, settled and making good progress in their learning.
Here is some useful information that you may find useful for your child's time in year 1.
Mrs Reason will teach the class Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mr Llewellyn will teach the class every Thursday and Friday. Mrs Brown will be the class Learning Support Assistant Monday - Friday.
Dinner money will be collected on a Monday. If you are paying with cash could you please ensure it is in an envelope with your child's name and class on it.
We will be offering fruit and healthy snacks in the afternoon. A donation of £1 a week helps to fund the purchase of the fruit. The donation can also be paid in advance half termly.
P.E. will be on Friday. Your child will need shorts, a T-Shirt and trainers. P.E. kits can be left on your child's coat peg. We ask if all kit can be fully labelled to avoid any kit from getting lost.
To ensure all children are collected safely from school we ask that you queue along the path around the back of the school and inform us of whom you are collecting. If anyone unfamiliar is going to be collecting your child from school could you please let us know.
Your child will read twice a week in school. We will be sending reading books and record home shortly. Your child's reading days will be written on the front cover of the reading record. Could you please ensure that your child brings their book in on their designated days and that you make a comment in their record when they read at home.
Our Topic for the Autumn term is 'Remember, Remember.' We plan on doing lots of fun and challenging work based on the Great Fire of London.
If you have any concerns or queries please don't hesitate to ask.
Many Thanks
Mrs S. Reason (Class Teacher)
Mr N. Llewellyn (Class Teacher)
Mrs R. Brown (Learning Support Assistant)