Superhero Day
Friday 28th May is Superhero Day in Dosbarth Mrs Rogers/Miss Mac
Come to school as a superhero e.g. Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Flash or a real life superhero e.g. nurse, doctor, fireman or a super friend e.g. in your own clothes or as requested … a princess!
As it’s a special day any donations of biscuits/crisps are gratefully received (as requested by the pupils) Thank you for your continued support
Dear Pupils, Parents and Caregivers,
First of all, a huge pat on the back is well-deserved for all of your hard work during this first half of our Spring Term. It wasn’t easy at all, but you all did your very best and we couldn’t be prouder of you. Bendigedig!
We hope you were able to enjoy your time at home, even though things were difficult at times, the silver lining of being able to spend time with our families is something we’ll all remember.
We will return to school on Monday 22nd February, we can’t wait to see you all! We will be working with you to ensure your child is happy, settled and continuing good progress in their learning. We will return to school celebrating Welsh Week, please see below for our Half Term Homework that relates to our Welsh Week activities.
Here is some information that you may find helpful for your child's return to school:
Start/finish times:
The School Day:
A donation of £5 is greatly appreciated to go towards snack and milk for the remainder of the Spring Term.
Learning Bubbles
In the Classroom
We will be continuing our topic ‘Going for Gold’ this half term, using the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt as a hook and will continue to use the children’s voices and choices to map out our learning. We can’t wait to get back to some form of normality and be back in the classroom with all of you!
Lastly, thank you so much for your support over the last few weeks. We understand that this has been tough on both pupils and parents(!) and we are very appreciative of your support and kind words during this very, very odd time!
Kind regards,
Miss Mac, Mrs Rogers, Mrs Morgan, Mrs Evans and `Mrs `Wells
Safety Rules to Remember:
• Stay clean. Ensure to wash your hands your hands regularly and use hand sanitisers provided.
• Be hygienic: put tissues in the bin, keep hands off each other; your face and other people’s belongings, cough into sleeve or tissue and wash your hands afterwards.
• Keep a safe distance.
If you have any concerns or queries, please don't hesitate to ask.
Our email addresses are:
Week Beginning - 8th February 2021
One week until half term! Hooray!!!
And what a week we have planned!
Don't forget to bring your pet or favourite cuddly toy with you to our Monday Check-in!
We can't wait to see your furry friends!
On Friday, Bryncoch CiW will taking part in a fun filled day to celebrate the Chinese New Year, we have lots of fun activities for you to enjoy!
Timetable for week beginning 8/2/21:
Monday |
Catch Up with Year 1 and Year 2 |
Year 1 and 2 10:45 AM |
Tuesday |
Mathematics & Numeracy |
Year 2 11:30 AM |
Year 1 11:45 AM |
Wednesday |
Year 1 and 2 11:35 AM |
Live Story Session |
Year 1 and 2 2:30 PM |
Thursday |
Welsh Language Development |
Year 1 and 2 11:35 AM |
Friday |
No live lesson – Chinese New Year Activities! |
You've all been working so hard, keep it up!
Don't forget, send us photos of your work via email or Teams,
Miss Mac, Mrs Rogers, Mrs Morgan, Mrs Evans & Mrs Wells
Week Beginning - 1st February 2021
1 month down! It's February! Hopefully, not long until we see some signs of Spring arriving!
Check below for this weeks Online Timetable and the links to this week's Activity Plans.
Make sure to check Microsoft Teams for lesson resources that will aid the activities.
Click on Year 1, Year 2 or Year 1/2 Teams
Go into FILES then CLICK on CLASS MATERIALS to find all resources!
Monday |
Catch Up Year 1 and Year 2 |
Year 1 and 2 10:45 AM |
Tuesday |
Mathematics & Numeracy |
Year 2 11:30 AM |
Year 1 11:45 AM |
Wednesday |
Year 2 11:30 AM |
Year 1 11:45 AM |
Live Story Session |
Year 1 and 2 2:30 PM |
Thursday |
Welsh Language Development |
Year 1 and 2 11:35 AM |
Friday |
Religious Education |
Year 1 and 2 11:35 AM |
Keep up the good work!!!
Miss Mac Mrs Rogers Mrs Morgan Mrs Evans Mrs Wells
Week Beginning - 25th January 2021
Another amazing week, boys and girls!
You are working so hard and it has been so lovely seeing all the effort you are putting in to working at home.
Make sure to check Microsoft Teams for lesson resources that will aid the activities.
Click on Year 1, Year 2 or Year 1/2 Teams
Go into FILES then CLICK on CLASS MATERIALS to find all resources!
We hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to have some fun in the snow!
Monday 💖 Saint Dwynwen’s Day! 💖 |
Catch Up with Year 1 & Year 2 |
Year 1 and 2 10:45 AM |
Tuesday |
Mathematics & Numeracy |
Year 2 11:30 AM |
Year 1 11:45 AM |
Wednesday |
Year 2 11:30 AM |
Year 1 11:45 AM |
Live Story Session |
Year 1 and 2 2:30 PM |
Thursday |
Welsh Language Development |
Year 1 and 2 11:35 AM |
Friday |
Religious Education |
Year 1 and 2 11:35 AM |
Keep up the good work!!!
Miss Mac Mrs Rogers Mrs Morgan Mrs Evans Mrs Wells
Week Beginning - 18th January 2021
What a fantastic week we had last week!
We are all so proud of you! The children working at home and working in the school hub have been brilliant and we've been so impressed with all the work we've seen so far!
Keep it up!
Miss Mac Mrs Rogers Mrs Morgan Mrs Evans Mrs Wells
Live Sessions Timetable
Monday |
Catch Up with Year 1 & 2 |
Year 1 and 2 10:30 AM |
Tuesday |
Mathematics & Numeracy |
Year 2 11:30 AM |
Year 1 11:45 AM |
Wednesday |
Year 1 and 2 11:30 AM |
Live Story Session |
Year 1 and 2 2:30 PM |
Thursday |
Welsh Language Development |
Year 1 and 2 11:30 AM |
Friday |
Religious Education |
Year 1 and 2 11:30 AM |
See below for our Activity Grid and resources for the upcoming week.
January 11th 2021
It was lovely to see so many of you today (eventually!). Thank you for joining us.
The plan for live lessons this week is:-
Monday catch up Year 2 10.30a.m. Year 1 10.50a.m.
Tuesday Mathematics/length Year 2 11.30a.m. Year 1 11.45a.m.
Wednesday LLC/phonics Year 2 11.30a.m. Year 1 11.45a.m.
Live story session Year 1 & 2 2.30p.m.
Thursday Welsh Year 2 11.30a.m. Year 1 11.45a.m.
Friday RE Year 1 & 2 11.30a.m.
Best Wishes
Mrs Rogers & Miss Mac
Click here for: Video for Year 2 Measure Powerpoint (Slide 10)
Click here for: Measuring Game - Measure in CMs
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Happy New Year, we hope you have all had a lovely Christmas.
Please see below important information regarding Remote Learning that will commence on Thursday 7th January 2021.
Best wishes
Mrs Rogers & Miss McManus
14th December 2020
End of Term Letter
Dear Pupils and Grown-ups,
We did it! After a very unusual first term back in school we have reached our Christmas break!
A huge well done to our class!
You have all worked so hard under such difficult circumstances and achieved so much this term. We are so proud of you! Da iawn, ti!
Thank you to all our class parents and caregivers for your support this term, it has not gone unnoticed and we are so grateful. Diolch i chi.
Below is the Remote Learning Plan for the upcoming week (beginning 15/December/2020).
Take your time to work through the areas of learning, please focus on Literacy and Numeracy.
Above all, have a very Merry Christmas, take care of eachother and keep safe!
Kind regards,
Miss Mac, Mrs Rogers, Mrs Morgan, Mrs Evans and Mrs Wells
Year 1 and 2 Team
Half Term Homework
Please see the below links for homework.
Tricky Words worksheets are to be returned to Mrs Rogers after half term when completed.
Maths and Topic homework can be completed and kept at home.
Please see below for Topic Homework Projects and Maths worksheets for Year 1 and Year 2.
If possible, please email photographs to Miss Mac and these will be shared with the class after half term.
Thank you for your support!
Mrs Rogers and Miss Mac
19th October 2020, POLITE REMINDER
Dear Mums, Dads and Caregivers,
We now provide snack in school every afternoon. Your child is offered milk and fruit.
If you could kindly donate £10 per term (Sept - Dec) to cover the cost of the snack provided this would be greatly appreciated. Please send the money in an envelope with your child's name clearly labelled.
If your child receives a dairy alternative, please can you send it in a flask each day.
If your child drinks water, can you please provide this in a flask each day also.
Thank you for your continued support
Mrs Rogers and Miss Mac - Class Teachers
Mrs Morgan, Ms Evans and Mrs Wells - Learning Support Assistants.
29th Sept 2020 - READING
Hello again,
If you have a school reading book at home please can you send it in, along with the blue reading record book.
Unfortunately, we are unable to send reading books back and forth to your home in present circumstances. Of course, we are continuing with reading books and phonic/reading activities in school.
It would be very beneficial if you could support your child working through the 'Tricky Word Lists' at home. Also, reading books (and hunting for tricky words in books) that you have at home/online.
If you have any queries, please drop us an email.
Thank you for your help and support
Week beginning: 14th September 2020
Dear Mums, Dads and Caregivers,
We will now be providing snack in school every afternoon. Your child will be offered milk and fruit.
If your child receives a dairy alternative, please can you send it in a flask each day.
If your child drinks water, can you please provide this in a flask each day also.
If you could kindly donate £10 per term to cover the cost of the snack provided this would be greatly appreciated. Please send the money in an envelope with your child's name clearly labelled.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Rogers and Miss Mac - Class Teachers
Mrs Morgan, Ms Evans and Mrs Wells - Learning Support Assistants.
Hiya everyone,
We can't wait to see you all in school on Friday. It'll be so exciting to see everyone again. Please take a look at our welcome letter below.
See you very soon
Mrs Rogers & Miss McManus