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Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

The Governors have a responsibility for the effective management of the school acting within the framework set by Government legislation and the policies of the Local Education Authority.  They determine the aims for the curriculum and have increasing responsibility for the financial management of the school.
The Governors produce an annual report to parents.  You will be sent a copy of the report via your child. Minutes of the Governors’ meetings are available to any parent once they have been signed.  The agenda of any meeting is also available.  The meetings themselves are confidential.
The school Governors do their work voluntarily and put in a great deal of time to ensure the school is managed efficiently and to the benefit of the children.
The Governing Body meet as a whole once a term, but each Governor will also sit on a Sub committee.  These sub committees will meet once a term when necessary and report back to the Full Governing Body in the termly meetings.  The Governors have agreed on the following sub committees:
Admission Committee
Complaints Committee
Curriculum & Standards Committee
Finance Committee
Grievance Committee
Pay Review Committee
Performance Management
Premises, Health & Safety Committee
Pupil Discipline and Exclusions Committee
RE Committee
HT & DHT Selection Panel
Staff Discipline & Dismissal Committee
Staffing/Personnel Committee



The Governing Body members serve for a period of four years.



Mr Marc Sinnett


Mrs Margaret Thomas (Chair)

Foundation Governor

Mr Peter Keys (Vice Chair)

Foundation Governor 

Rev. Steve Bodycombe

Mrs Delyth Lewis (Safeguarding)

Foundation Governor    Ex Officio

Foundation Governor

Mrs Chantele Cross-Jones

Mrs Clare Roberts

Mrs Tracy Conway


Foundation Governor

Foundation Governor

Foundation Governor

Foundation Governor

Cllr. Amanda Burton

Blaenhonddan CC Representative


NPTCBC Representative

Mrs Hayley Travers-Dyer

Parent Governor

Mrs Ffion Rose

Teacher Governor

Mrs Victoria Morgan

Non-Teaching Staff Governor





BCIW Governors Annual Report to Parents
