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Eco Committee Updates (please click here for photos of our amazing activities!)

11.10.24. Rags2Riches clothes recycling collection. We raised £60.80

9.10.24 Maintaining our ‘poop dog share’ bottles 💩 🐶

10.6.24. Eco news - 🐕💩 patrol (9 incidents) and a community litter pick by Eco Club - 0.5kg (improvement) but a noticeable increase in cigarette butts

16.4.24.‘Team work makes the dream work’ with Eco & Healthy School Clubs. Helping hands maintaining our Memorial Garden 🌱 🌳 🌺

15.4.24. Community litter pick and 💩 patrol! We found a ‘litter hotspot’ behind a local shed and collected 4kg of litter! We got caught in a hail shower 😂 and stepped in 3 🐶💩😤 running back to school for shelter! @EcoSchoolssouth @EcoSchoolsWales @NPTWasteCrime

Keep the 💩 away from my shoe! Eco club have been proactive putting up posters to tackle the 🐕 💩 issues! @EcoSchoolssouth @EcoSchoolsWales #bcciwwecanmakeadifference @NPTWasteCrime

Eco Worship - Sea Pollution- plastic in our oceans ♻️ 😢 🌊 🐠 well done Eco Committee! @EcoSchoolssouth @EcoSchoolsWales #BCIWElgan

Clothes recycling stall 29.1.24.

Forest Fun in Nursery on a beautiful winter’s day 15.12.23.

11.12.23. Eco Club 🐕💩 monitoring and 🚮 litter picking in the local community:- 7 🐕💩, 1.5kg litter 🚮♻️ 😢. GO ECO!

Poop Bag Share revamp 27/11/23

New Eco Display Board November 2023 - independently created by Eco Ambassadors

Community Litter Pick 18.10.23. 1.8kg litter! 1 💩 😔

Eco Committee 2023 2024

Eco Club Bug Hunting May 3rd 2023

Eco Club Year 5 members tree planting March 31st 2023
