Attendance at school is compulsory. In order to comply with the law and to ensure that all children receive their educational entitlement, it is very important that all children attend school regularly and are in school on time. As a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that your child attends school regularly in order to avoid them missing out on vital educational and social opportunities.
A child will be recorded as being late if he/she arrives in the classroom 5 minutes after the start of the session. Where pupils are absent from school, please telephone, write a note or tell the class teacher as soon as possible. Absence due to genuine illness, medical appointment or for other unavoidable reasons will be authorised by the Headteacher. An unauthorised absence will be recorded when the school receives no valid explanation in accordance with Government guidelines.
Family holidays should be taken whenever possible during school holiday periods. If family holidays are taken during school term times we request that you complete a holiday request form which is available from the school office or on our website.
At Bryncoch Church in Wales Primary School we work closely with the Education Welfare Service to ensure that children attend school. We are required to inform the LA if a pupil fails to attend or is late regularly and also if no reason for absence is provided. You will be informed regularly of your child’s attendance percentage towards the end of an academic year or the school will contact you if your child's attendance is of a concern.
We aim to work closely with all our wonderful families to ensure that our pupils have the best attendance possible!