Dear Reception Parents,
Welcome to The Early Years Department!
We hope you have had a lovely Summer, we are all looking forward to a busy and exciting term!
Our Autumn term topic is ‘When I Fall Asleep’ where the children will be learning about night time routines, nocturnal animals, light and dark indoor and outdoor.
P.E. will take place on a Wednesday; your child will need shorts and t-shirt which can be left in school in the cloakroom area.
We ask for a donation of £1 on Monday to help cover the cost of fruit and snacks. The children have a drink of milk or water and a choice of snack each morning and afternoon.
Spelling books will be sent home very Friday and will be required to return on the following Thursday.
If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to come and see us.
Many thanks
Mrs J. Morgan – Class teacher
Mrs P.Oates and Mrs R. Brown – Learning Support Assistants.
What a very fast and busy week!
This week we have starting learning about Nocturnal animals, we have been listening to stories, drawing pictures and tracing bats, foxes, badgers, hedgehogs and owls.
We have also been looking at the differences between 'letter sounds', 'words' and 'sentences'. By the end of the week, the children have been making their own fantastic sentences including 'words' from their tricky word lists! Bendigedig
At home this weekend, could you please practise writing the letters s, a, t and i.
Have a lovely weekend!
I would like to congratulate everyone on our 'Singathon' last week, 20 songs in a row is a fantastic achievement! Thank you to everyone who sponsored your child too, it is very much appreciated.
This week we have been thanking God for our special talents e.g. 'Thank you God for making me good at football'; 'Thank you God for making me good at getting dressed by myself in the mornings'...
We are all working very hard on our 'tricky words', can I please remind you to bring the lists into school on your child's reading days. Please ask if you have forgotten your child's reading days.
Next week's target is to put on our coats independently and begin to try to zip up.
Have a good weekend
We're 4 weeks into our new school year and I'm very proud of how well everyone has settled into full time school!
This week we have been working very hard on our ICT skills creating pictures and writing our letter sounds on ipads.
Next week we will be recapping on our first set of letter sounds: s, a, t, i, p, n and beginning to a complete simple addition sums.
Could you please ensure your child's reading lists are in school on their specified day even if they have not completed them at home.
Thank you
We've had another busy week in Reception.
We've been looking at the letter sounds t and i; ordering numbers 1 - 5; sequencing daily events and talking about people who are Special to us.
We also enjoyed our Church service, celebrating St. Matthew's church 146th birthday.
Could you please continue to practise writing the letters sounds s and a and look for objects beginning with the sounds t and i.
Next week we will be counting and recording numbers to at least 5; learning sounds p and n; trying to be more independent when changing for P.E.
Thank you for the spelling books being completed, could your child please use a pencil to write their letters.
Hope your child has had another good week!!
This week we have been working on the letter sounds 's' and 'a'
Home Task - Play 'I Spy...something beginning with s / a'
Look for the letters 's' and 'a' in the environment e.g. on shop signs.
Practise writing the letter sounds 's' and 'a'.
All pupils will be having a tricky word list on Friday (if not already on one)
Once your child has completed up to List 5, they will be given a reading book.
Next week Letter sounds are - t and i
Dear Parents,
Welcome back and welcome to Reception!
We hope you had a lovely Summer, we are all looking forward to a busy and exciting term!
Our Autumn term topic is ‘When I Fall Asleep’ where the children will be learning about night time routines, nocturnal animals, light and dark indoor and outdoor.
P.E. will take place on a Wednesday; your child will need shorts and t-shirt which can be left in school in the cloakroom area.
We ask for a donation of £1 on Monday to help cover the cost of fruit and snacks. The children have drink of milk or water and a choice of snack each morning and afternoon.
Spelling books will be sent home every Friday and will be required to return on the following Thursday. All instructions will be enclosed to help you. Tricky word lists and reading book information and days will also follow, again with full instructions.
If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to come and see us.
Many thanks
Mrs J. Morgan – Class teacher
Mrs R. Brown – Learning Support Assistants.