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          Welcome to RECEPTION

Mrs J. Morgan   

Mrs P.Oates     Mrs R. Brown

Summer Camp Rock Party

Still image for this video

Summer Camp Rock Party

Still image for this video

Welcome Back! 

We are so excited to be welcoming you all back after half term, we cannot wait for us to be back together again! smiley


Below is a Welcome Back letter, please read for your information.


Take care, enjoy half term and we will see you very soon,


Mrs Morgan, Mrs Oates and Mrs Brown xxx


Welcome Back information Letter

Monday 8th February 2021

Hi everyone laugh


I can't believe it is the last week of this half term! 

I am super super proud of every single one of you! You have coped so well working from home with Mammy, Daddy, Grandma or Grandpa smiley


This week's tasks are all saved below.

As it is Chinese New Year on Friday, there are some exciting activities for you to complete too!


Looking forward to seeing you all online this week! smiley


Take care everyone,


Mrs Morgan laugh

Monday 1st February 2021

Hi everyone laugh


It has been so lovely seeing more and more work being sent to me! Your photographs show how much you are enjoying and how hard you are working at home! Bendigedig!

I also love seeing how excited you are when you see your friends during our online sessions... they have been so much fun! 

On Tuesday, we have an online Worship with Mrs Rose. I know she is excited to see you all smiley


This week's task are all saved below. 

Looking forward to seeing you all online this week!  laugh



Mrs Morgan x 

Night Monkey Day Monkey - Story session

Monday 25th January 2021

Hi everyone, hope you enjoyed the SNOW Day yesterday  laugh


Well, what another fantastic week we had last week! You are working super hard at home, I am so so proud of you all smiley

Below is this week's tasks for you to complete throughout the week. Please don't forget to send me photographs of your work! 

I will see you all in our Online Maths session - Monday at 11.10am and in our Live Story session on Tuesday at 2.00pm.


Take care all, 

Mrs Jo Morgan  xx

Lucky Socks - Story Session

Monday 18th January 2021 


Hi everyone smiley

Well our first full week of remote learning is complete and I am so pleased to have seen you at our Live online sessions and also working so hard at home! I am very proud of you all laugh


This week's tasks are all saved below.

We will be having a Live Jolly Phonic online session on Monday at 11.10a.m. and a Live Story session on Tuesday at 2.00p.m.

I will look forward to seeing you then and please carry on sending me all the work you are completing


Take care everyone,


Mrs Jo Morgan smiley

Monday 11th January 2021


Hi everyone, hope you are all well! smiley


I have saved below the Reception tasks and resources for Monday 11th January - Friday 15th January.

We will also be having Live online sessions this week - Monday at 11.10am will be a check-in and catch up session and Tuesday at 2.00pm will be a story session.

Thank you for contacting me for your details - please make sure you have signed the online consent form. When you have done so, you will be sent an invite to the Teams meeting yes

I will look forward to seeing the children online.


Please contact me at if you have any concerns or queries.


Best wishes and take care,

Mrs Jo Morgan x

Wednesday 6th January 2021

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you have all had a lovely Christmas smiley

Please see below important information regarding Remote Learning that will commence on Thursday 7th January 2021.

Best wishes

Mrs Jo Morgan

Welcome Letter - January 2021

Monday 14th December 2020

Hi everyone smiley

I hope you are all well and healthy and are looking forward to Christmas.

This term has been a very different one for the children and I would like to say how proud we all are of every single child as they have coped extremely well to our new way of working.


We have had a lovely term and the children have all worked super hard!

They are certainly all on Santa's good list laugh


Below is our Remote Learning planning for Tuesday 15th to Friday 18th December.


Myself, Mrs Brown and Mrs Oates would like to thank you all for your continued support and we wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy new year!


Take care and see you in January.

Mrs Morgan x

1st December 2020


Hi everyone,

Here are some Christmas activities you could be completing while you are at home.


* Write, draw or cut and stick your Christmas list to Santa.  

* Design a Christmas jumper. 

* Sort Christmas decorations into shapes e.g. circle, triangle. square, star, rectangle.

* Count how many baubles you have on your Christmas tree and write the number down. Can you count the lights? 

*Listen to the Christmas story. Discuss which is your favourite part and why?

* Re-enact the Christmas story. Who would you be? 


Take care, 

Mrs Morgan smiley


Dear Parents,

                  As a school community we have thoroughly enjoyed welcoming all of our

pupils back into the classrooms after such a long period of time. School and in class learning is now very much back on track and long may this continue!

         We must however acknowledge that we still find ourselves amidst a pandemic and therefore must always be prepared.

         As Foundation Phase Staff, we have decided to compile and provide you with a half termly overview of Numeracy and Literacy topics as well as Personal and Social Development, Welsh Development and Religious Education that are being covered in school.

        This will then support with continuing learning at home in the event that your child may need to isolate due to Covid 19.

         Any essential resources will also be provided (as an aid) via our class page.

Please find the relevant documents below.


Kind regards

Mrs J. Morgan




Remote Learning - Autumn Term 1


Week beginning 14th September 2020

Dear Mums and Dads,

We will now be providing snack in school every morning.

Your child will be offered milk and fruit.

If your child receives a dairy alternative, please can you send it in a flask each day.

If your child drinks water, can you please provide this in a flask each day also.


If you could kindly donate £10 per term to cover the cost of the snack provided this would be greatly appreciated. Please send the money in an envelope with your child's name clearly labelled.


Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Morgan - Class teacher

Mrs Oates & Mrs Brown - Learning Support Assistants.

Friday 4th September 2020

Welcome Back

We are so looking forward to seeing you next week, we hope you have all had a fantastic Summer and are excited to come to school!

Below is some information for you before you return.


See you next week smiley


Mrs J. Morgan - Class teacher

Mrs P. Oates - Learning support assistant

Mrs R. Brown - Learning support assistant
