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Friends of BCIW

Welcome to the Friends of BCIW section of our website.

Our Friends of BCIW work hard to provide all our children with new play equipment and resources.


If you are interested in finding out more about how you can help our Friends of BCIW then please contact the office. The more parents we have joining the stronger our Friends of BCIW becomes.

Movie Night - 3rd October

Asda Cashpot for Schools is running from now until November. For every sign up we will get £1 added to our pot. Even if you don't shop at Asda you can sign up. If you do shop at Asda, every time you shop using the rewards app we will get 0.5% off your final total. This costs you nothing and doesn't affect your own cashpots!! 

Please sign up and opt in to the school cashpot.

Disco 29th April 2024
