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Transition Information for September 2020

Sunday 5th July 2020.

Hi guys!

I hope that you are all continuing to keep safe and well?

It has been lovely to see most of you this week and I am so glad that you all felt comfortable and safe in our new look classroom environment! I look forward to seeing you all again this coming week!


As you know, we only have two more short weeks before this Summer term comes to an end and we see the start of the Summer holidays! This being the case, these will be the final set of missions that I set you this academic year! These missions will be for these last two weeks and will take you up to the end of term

(17th July 2020)


Enjoy your new mini topic!!


Mrs L Martin laugh

Friday 26th June 2020

Hi everyone!

I hope that you are all keeping safe and well?

It is hard to believe that we have not been together in class for so long! I know that you are all continuing to work hard on your missions and I have enjoyed seeing some of your pieces of work!

For those of you that are returning to school next week, unfortunately you are not going to be able to bring any of your work in to show me but you can continue to send me photographs in your emails if you wish.


I hope that you have all had an opportunity to watch the video that I have put together for you as this will help give you an idea of what our classroom now looks like. There is more information in the 'Back to School' letter, also available here on our class page!


As you can appreciate, there will be a few extra rules that we will need to follow from next week, you can see these on our 'Pod Rules' poster below! Please don't worry as we will discuss these when you are back in school!


Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Can't wait to see you!

Mrs L Martin wink

Our Pod Rules!

Returning to School - Mrs Martin

Mrs Martin talks about about how things will be when we return to school and shows you what our Year 5/6 classroom will look like.

Monday 22nd June 2020 - Welcome back Letter

Monday 22nd June 2020

 Hi everyone!

Here are your missions for the next two weeks! I am sorry that they are a little late but I have been in school today!

Please access the correct set of missions for your year group and also use the relevant resources referred to!

Good luck and stay safe !

Mrs Martin laugh

Sunday 7th June 2020

Hi there everyone!

I really hope that you are all keeping well and I'd just like to say how lovely it was to speak to most of you on the telephone last week!!!


Well done to those of you that took part in our school Virtual Sports Day! It was great to see the photographs and videos of all of your efforts. I have emailed out your certificates of participation but if I have missed anyone out then please let me know!


Please find below your Missions for the next two weeks. You will need to access the correct Resource folder for your year group too!


Good luck everyone and stay safe!!

Big hugs

Mrs Martin wink

Monday 1st June 2020

Good morning and happy first day of the month to you all!!


Just a little reminder that your new missions will be set for Monday 8th June 2020 as it was half term last week!

I hope that you all enjoyed a little time off from your work and made the most of the glorious weather that we are having!!


Remember to join in with the school's Virtual Sports Day!!


Cadwch yn ddiogel / Stay safe !!


Mrs Martin cheeky

Virtual Sports Day!

Important Transition Information for Year 6 going to Cwmtawe!

Sunday 17th May 2020

Hi everyone!

I hope that you are all continuing to stay safe and well?

It has been lovely to hear from a few more of you over these past two weeks. Please keep in touch and share some pieces of work with me too!


Please find below your missions for the next two weeks. You will need to access some of the extra resources provided for some of your missions!


Good luck guys and keep working hard!


Stay safe!

Big hugs from Mrs Martin laugh

Y5 Numeracy/Mathematics Mission

Y6 Numeracy/Mathematics Mission

Thursday 14th May 2020

Hi everyone!

This is a very important update for Year 6 pupils only! 

As you know, during this term you would normally be attending Dwr Y Felin for some Transition days and activities. Unfortunately, due to the current situation, circumstances are not allowing this at the moment!


Please see below a few documents and attachments that have been put in place in order to try and help with Transition! Mrs Peet and her staff are working very hard to try to deliver transition information to you at home!


Please keep an eye on our class page for information. As soon as I receive anything more then I will be posting it on here for you!


Stay safe!

Mrs L Martin wink

Important Transition Information for Year 6!!

Year 6 Transition Video 1 from Dwr Y Felin

Still image for this video

Video message from Mrs Martin

Still image for this video

Sunday 3rd May 2020

Hi everyone!

I hope that you are all well and staying safe?

I have received emails from a few of you and this has been really great! I'd like to encourage you ALL to continue to keep in touch!

Your new missions are now live and you will find these below!

As always, take care of yourselves and stay safe!

Warm wishes to you and your families!

Mrs Martin cheeky


P.s - I hope you liked my little video message to you all!! xx

Y5 Numeracy/Mathematics Mission 3 - 'A Sticker Situation for Tex'.

Y6 Numeracy/Mathematics Mission 3 - 'Industrial Products'.

Saturday 18th April 2020

Hi guys! I hope you all had a lovely Easter and are staying safe and well.

Thank you for keeping in touch, it is always lovely to hear from you. Keep up the hard work!


The topic for your new Missions is 'Ancient Greece' and I really hope that it helps you to escape a little and allows you to explore a different part of the World ! (from your home of course! lol)


You will find below your Missions for the next two weeks!


Remember to access the correct files for your year group and if there are any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Good luck & Stay Safe!


Mrs L Martin cheeky

Year 5 Numeracy/Mathematics Mission 2 - Happy Birthday, Victor!

Y6 Numeracy/Mathematics Mission 2 - Cods-Wallop's Cocktails.

Friday 3rd April 2020.


Hi there everyone! I hope that you are all keeping safe and well?

Thank you to those of you who have been keeping in touch by email, it's nice to know that you are continuing to work hard during these very strange times!


Please find below your missions for the next two weeks. Make sure that you access the correct ones for your Year group!


You will also see that I have set you an extra Maths/Numeracy Mission for the next two weeks. Again make sure that you access the correct one for your year group! Each Maths/Numeracy mission consists of 4 pages. You must make sure that you access these pages in the correct order as each task gradually gets more difficult and follows on from the previous one!


Good luck & Stay Safe!

Mrs L Martin cheeky

Year 5 Maths/Numeracy Missions 1 'Hose in the House?'

Year 6 Maths/Numeracy Mission 1'Pussy Patterns'

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Our class page will be updated fortnightly with ‘Missions’ and Numeracy challenges. I would like to encourage pupils to keep in touch on how they are getting on with their missions and if pupils have any questions regarding their tasks, they can contact me through Hwb (

If pupils complete their missions and numeracy tasks, you can also find a variety of useful resources online. These websites may also be useful:

Good Luck everyone and most importantly stay safe!

Kind Regards

Mrs Lindsey Martin wink


Please find below the first set of Missions. Please ensure that your child follows the correct link to their work!

Home Learning


Dear Parents/Carers,


With the concerns over the Coronavirus outbreak and how this might impact your child’s learning, we are offering some ideas to continue their education during any potential absences.


We also appreciate that keeping children engaged in their learning whilst at home is not going to be easy and so we have prepared content for your child that can be completed both independently and with adult support.

Week Beginning Monday 6th January 2020.


Croeso i Dymor y Gwanwyn! / Welcome to the Spring Term!


Welcome back everyone!

I hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas break and that you have recharged your batteries in readiness for a very busy term!!

This term our topic is 'Heroes and Villains' (from history).

Please find below your 'Homework Menu' for this term!

Good luck everyone!

Mrs L Martin laugh

Homework Menu Spring Term 2020

Week Beginning : Monday 9th December 2019.


Please remember that your Homework Menus are due next week! Monday 16th December 2019!!


9 Lessons & Carols:

Please can you bring your costumes for 9 Lessons and Carols in to school on Wednesday 11th December 2019.


Thank you

Mrs L Martin laugh

Week Beginning Monday 16th September 2019.


Dosbarth Mrs Martin - Autumn Term 2019 Homework Menu!

Here it is guys!!


Croeso i Ddosbarth Mrs Martin!

                                      Welcome to Mrs Martin's Class!

Just a quick note to let you know a few details about this academic year.
P.E will be on Fridays - Please ensure that P.E kits are in school every Friday. P.E kits will be brought home at the end of every Friday due to a lack of storage space for them.

Please can you ensure that your child has their reading book in school every day!

Could you also provide your child with a black biro, pencil, a 30cm ruler and a glue stick for their class work.

Thank you very much for your cooperation in these matters!

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to come and see me.

Thank you

Mrs L Martin

Autumn Term 2019

Dosbarth Mrs Martin.


During this Autumn Term the children will be studying the topic ‘Alchemy Island’. Within this topic we will be learning all about the ‘Changes of State’ that can take place within materials. The children will investigate creating mixtures (predicting and observing what happens when materials are mixed with others) and also will explore processes that can be used in order to separate mixtures (discussing whether a change is reversible or irreversible).


In English, pupils will be developing their understanding and writing of Non- Chronological reports and Biography writing (Historical Portraits for Year 5). Year 6 Pupils will focus on writing Non Chronological reports about a hobby of choice and about a ‘Modern Mixture’ (Topic Link) while Year 5 will focus on writing a report about our school. Biography / Historical Portrait writing will involve pupils writing a brief biography for a famous person of choice and also for a famous scientist.


In Science, we will be exploring the properties of materials, reversible and irreversible changes. Within this topic, pupils will have the opportunity to conduct practical investigations in order to discover which materials change and how they change.


Dosbarth Mrs Martin will also be reflecting on Christian beliefs and how these affect people’s everyday lives. Pupils will also be studying the Creation story and how some Christians find Science and Faith compatible.

