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Nursery Teacher - Miss L. McManus (Miss Mac)

Nursery Teaching Assistant - Mrs P. Oates

Sunday 12th July 2020


Dear Children, Parents and Caregivers,


Our final week of Nursery until September!

I can't believe how quickly this year has gone - they do say time flies when you're having fun!

I've absolutely loved my year with Nursery and will miss the children so, so much over the Summer and can't wait to see them around school in September.


As you are now aware, Nursery and Reception will be taught by Mrs Morgan in September and I know they will all have so much fun and will blossom under her care! I am going to be moving to Year 1 and Year 2 with Mrs Rogers so will still be around to say hello!


This week I've included some transition work to be completed alongside some general Summer themed work you can do at your own discretion over the holidays!


I'm also going to put up some photos from the year we've had together!


You've been a wonderful class! I'm going to miss you ALL so much.


Cariad HIWJ! BIG love, 


Miss Mac and Mrs Oates

    x              x

Sunday 5th July 2020


Dear Children, Parents and Caregivers,


What a FANTASTIC week we have had this week! The children were all amazing, a few nervous faces on return to school but BIG smiles by the end of their sessions!


It was so wonderful to see you all! Hopefully, I will see you and some more of Nursery this week. You are all still allocated your day regardless of whether you stated 'yes' or 'no' on the Back to School survey. If you decide to return to school but have previously stated 'no', I would be so grateful if you could inform the School Office so I am aware of numbers for each day. Thank you!


As we finished our Teeny Tiny Things topic last week, over the next two weeks of term we will be concentrating on well-being activities and transition into Reception and N2.


Challenges this week will be themed around wellbeing and mindfulness to aid any anxieties for those returning to school. I will include Literacy (Oracy tasks this week) and Numeracy challenges as well in our challenge section.


If your child is returning to school, our morning will consist of getting back into our morning routines, sound work and counting and focus on communication and social development. 


I can't wait to see some of you again this week, 


lots of love, 


Miss Mac and Mrs Oates 

   x               x


Return to School - Week 1 (Week Beginning 29/6/20)

Sunday 28th June 2020


Hello Children, Parents and Caregivers,


I am so looking forward to seeing some of you this week!

Things will be a little different from when we were last in school but we will still make sure we are having fun and staying safe! You can see how our classroom now looks in this video: 


This week we are finishing our Teeny Tiny Things Topic.

We will look at bugs as a whole and complete activities about all of the bugs we have taken a closer look at! 


If you child is attending school this week I will be working with them following our Monday activities as well as some other general learning on our topic.


In the next couple weeks we will focus on some well-being activities and transitional activities to prepare us for Summer and September.


I can't wait to see you, remember to follow the rules so we can all stay safe,


lots of love,

 Miss Mac


Teeny Tiny Things - Bug Week (End of Topic)

Returning to School - Nursery

Miss Mac tells you how things will be when we return to school and what our Nursery classroom will look like.

Monday 22nd June 2020


Dear Children, Parents and Caregivers,


This week we will be looking at butterflies as a focus!

See the video below and the work set for each day. There are also extra challenges and the Home Learning Menu to take a look at.


Below the work from this week are resources for returning to school, these were uploaded a few days ago and if you have not already taken some time to look at them, feel free to now.


As you know, schools are re-opening on the 29th June. Your child has been given their allocated day for school each week and should they be attending, I can't wait to see them!


In the following week, check back to your class page as teachers will be creating a video to show you how their classroom and school will look when re-opened.


Butterflies are Miss Mac's favourite insect and our final week focussing on bugs! 

Next week, we will look at our topic as a whole, discussing what we have already learnt and in the following weeks wellbeing and transition activities will pull focus alongside our usual daily learning.


Missing you lots and lots!!


Miss Mac and Mrs Oates 


Teeny Tiny Things - The Butterfly!

Miss Mac discusses the butterfly and this weeks work. Music from

Miss Mac reads A Butterfly is Patient

A Butterfly is Patient by Diana Hutts Aston and Sylvia Long Music from bensound.som

Miss Mac reads Elmer and the Butterfly

Elmer and Butterfly by David McKee Music from

Hello Boys and Girls, Parents and Caregivers,


Here are a few social stories, social distance information cards, a lovely 'Hero' poem and a child friendly questionnaire, all to help you to prepare for your child's return to school. If your child is returning to school I'd love it if you could complete the questionnaire with them and email it to me so I can have an insight into how the children are feeling and plan wellbeing tasks appropriately. I hope they may be of some support to you.


Looking forward to seeing you soon


Miss Mac


Sunday 14th June 2020


Dear Children, Parents and Caregivers,


It was wonderful to talk to some of you this week, in a few weeks time school will return and it will be lovely to see some of you in person again.


Yet again, the children have produced some fantastic work this week and I am so impressed with the effort they are making!

Da iawn, plant. Dw i'n balch iawn. I am so proud!


As we weren't able to see out our Spring/Summer terms like we usually would, I took to liberty of creating our own Bryncoch CiW Primary Nursery Class photo! I hope you enjoy this as much as I do! cheeky



Top row: Nico, Eva, Madi, Harri, Ryan, Grace, Jenson

Middle row: Pixie, Logan, Molly, Mali, Hudson, Archie, Ava, Ayla

Bottom row: Amelia, Elian, Seren, Aria Lynne, Noah, Ella, Seb


I think this shows you how much Miss Mac and Mrs Oates are missing you all!


This week we are looking at caterpillars as our main focus, we will continue our learning next week with butterflies.


I hope you are all keeping well,


Kindest regards,

Miss Mac


Teeny Tiny Things - Caterpillars!

Miss Mac talks about this weeks topic.

The Cautious Caterpillar

This is a Twinkl original story. Cody the caterpillar was nervous about turning into a butterfly. After reading the story, play the g...

The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Animated Film

In the internationally acclaimed The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a tiny caterpillar eats and eats...and eats his way through the week. Taken from The Very Hungry ...

Caterpillar Shoes | Sweet rhyming bedtime story for kids!

We hope you like Caterpillar Shoes, a sweet, rhyming bedtime story about a kindly caterpillar who decides to give his beloved shoes away to his woodland frie...

The Very Hungry Caterpillar | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Episode 34 - The Very Hungry Caterpillar | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! A fun kids yoga adventure based on Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Join Ja...

Sunday 8th June 2020


Dear Children, Parents and Caregivers,


What a fantastic effort all the children made for our first ever Virtual Sports Day!

Da iawn to all that took part! A certificate is on the way!


Also well done to all those who sent me work this week. I'm so glad you enjoyed the work on spiders and hope you have as much fun learning about snails!


I plan to get in touch with you all this week - I was hoping to ring you all by Friday but unfortunately time ran on. I will aim to ring Monday and Tuesday. 


Again, if I can't get through to you and you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact me.


As always, the work is posted below with some extra challenges should you wish to use them.


Hopefully we will all be seeing each other again soon,


Kindest regards,

Miss Mac



Teeny Tiny Things - Snails!

Miss Mac talk about this weeks topic - snails!

Monday 1st June 2020


Dear Children, Parents and Caregivers,


I hope you had a lovely Half Term and you were able to enjoy the beautiful weather we've been having. 

This week, Nursery will be learning about Spiders. I have read two lovely stories about spiders. One is a brilliant 'hook' for talking about shapes and the other has a focus on numbers as well and personal and social development in regards to friendships and kindness. If you choose to listen to these stories with your child, please try and discuss the stories after!


Mrs Oates and Mr Oates have been doing lots of jobs in the garden this week and found a millipede! Here is a photograph Mrs Oates took!


This week we are introducing Bryncoch CiW Primary's first Virtual Sports Day! How exciting!

The activities are all explained on the poster below and I will include some links to some useful mindfulness resources as well!


As always, please stay in touch and keep sending the children's work. It's lovely to see them all growing! I am still very much missing you all!


Here is my email:


Youtube for stories: Miss Mac Reads....


Stay safe, kindest regards,


Miss Mac 


Teeny Tiny Things - Spiders

Miss Mac reads Spinderella!

Spinderella by Julia Donaldson
Read by Miss Mac
Music from

Miss Mac reads Walter's Wonderful Web!

Walter's Wonderful Web by Tim Hopgood.
Read by Miss Mac
Music from


Saturday 23rd May 2020


Dear Children, Parents and Caregivers,


Happy Half Term!


I understand if you want to take a little break this week so please feel free to enjoy the half term as best as you can. I have a little half-term 'homework' activity I hope you will enjoy creating together!


Busy Bug Head Bands!

Choose your favourite bug and make a headband to match the insect!

Think about what colours you need to use and what features your favourite bug has!

I can't wait to see them!


Please take some time to celebrate our lovely ladybirds who have been working super hard at home this week! Their work and certificates are in the slideshow below - I will also directly email certificates to parents!

Amazing work!


I have also included some numeracy and writing activities below for those who may wish to keep routine up over half term if you find that easier!


After half term we will be continuing with our Minibeast Learning as well as exploring other Teeny Tiny Things as the weeks go by.


Here is a link to the YouTube page where I am posting stories for Nursery:

 Miss Mac Reads... YouTube 

I try to upload a couple new stories every week.


As always, thank you for all of your support. 

Hopefully we will safely see out the year together in Nursery!


Lots of love, stay safe!

Kindest regards,


Miss Mac



Well Done to our Lovely Ladybirds in Nursery this week!

Sunday 17th May 2020


Hello Children, Parents and Caregivers,


This week we will be looking at Ladybirds!


I have created another video with relevant information for focus tasks to be completed this week.

Make sure to watch until the end for a little surprise!


Ladybirds are beautiful mini-beasts! They are harmless and very friendly so if you are able to, go on a Ladybird hunt and see if you can handle some ladybirds in the garden on on a walk! Remember to be very careful and be gentle with them! See if you can count their spots and take some photographs if you 'spot' any!


As usual, work is linked by day. Some extra worksheets and activities are linked below should you need/want any extra challenges. Also, please check the Home Learning Menu for any other activities to be completed this week (R.E. and P.S.D.)


I have emailed a Certificate for those who were able to show me their wonderful work last week on our topic of Bees! If you can, make sure to email me photographs/videos and keep in touch,

I have another little surprise for the children I can email in return if you are able to send work!


Kindest regards,


Miss Mac 


Teeny Tiny Things - Ladybirds

This week we are learning about ladybirds.
This weeks activities are all linked daily below!
Please check the class pages regularly for new work.

I hope you've been practising your sounds!

I wonder if you can start making some words with all the sounds we've looked at!

(This task is for N2 but there is no harm in practicing with N1 children)




Click on the link above and practise reading with phonics!

I've also linked some CVC Phase 1 and 2 reading activities in the 'Extras' below.


N1 and N2 children can continue practising initial sounds on the mobile/tablet friendly game below:


Phonic Pop Game


Keep practising your Jolly Phonics rhymes!

Miss Mac reads Lucy Ladybird

Lucy Ladybird by Sharon King-Chai
Read by Miss Mac

Miss Mac reads What the Ladybird Heard!

What the Ladybird Heard by Julia Donaldson
Read by Miss Mac

Miss Mac reads Ella the Ladybird!

Ella by Alex T Smith
Read by Miss Mac

Saturday 9th May 2020


Hello Children, Parents and Caregivers,


This week we will be looking at Bees!


I have created another video with relevant information for focus tasks to be completed this week.

Bees are one of my favourite insects, mainly because they produce honey and Mrs Oates knows all too well that I take my tea "black, with a little honey"!


Bees are one of the hardest working 'pollinators' and therefore very important within our eco system.

As an extra activity, if you haven't already, you and your child could plant your Mother's Day 'Forget Me Not' seeds for the bees in your garden!


Work is linked by day, as usual. Some extra worksheets and activities are linked below should you need/want any extra challenges. 


I hope you are all well and have enjoyed the VE Day 75th Anniversary Celebrations and are keeping safe.


Please make sure to email me photographs/videos and keep in touch,

I have a little surprise for the children I can email in return if you are able to send work!


Kindest regards,


Miss Mac 


Teeny Tiny Things - Bees!

This week we are learning about bees! This weeks activities are all linked daily below! Please check the class pages regularly for new work. Music by bensoun...

I hope you've been practising your sounds!

I wonder if you can start making some words with all the sounds we've looked at!

(This task is for N2 but there is no harm in practicing with N1 children)




Click on the link above and practise reading with phonics!

I've also linked some CVC Phase 1 and 2 reading activities in the 'Extras' below.


N1 and N2 children can continue practising initial sounds on the mobile/tablet friendly game below:


Phonic Pop Game


Keep practising your Jolly Phonics rhymes!

Miss Mac reads The Beeman!

The Beeman by Laurie Kreb
Read by Miss Mac
Music from

The Giant Jam Sandwich

The Giant Jam Sandwich by John Vernon Lord
Read by Miss Mac
Music from

Justin Fletcher reads 'The Very Greedy Bee'

See Justin Fletcher, CBBC's Mr Tumble, read from 'The Very Greedy Bee' by Steve Smallman. Little Tiger Press Book and CD set featuring Justin Fletcher OUT NOW

Busy Bees

You see them when it's warm outside, hanging out in flowers and working away. Bees! Check out what these buzzing insects are up to, and how you can tell the ...

Saturday 2nd May 2020

Hello Boys and Girls and Parents!


Saturday again! The weeks seem to be going faster and faster!


It was so nice to speak to some of you this week.

(If I couldn't reach you I tried to leave a voicemail or send an email - if I didn't speak to you and you'd like to talk over the phone, feel free to return the voicemail or email me with your number and I'll be sure to get in touch!)


This week we are learning about WORMS!

I've made another short video introducing some facts, I've also outlined some of the work so the children can hear me talking about each activity.


Again, should you need any support, please do not hesitate to contact.

Wishing you all well, stay safe, stay home,


Kindest regards, 


Miss Mac 



Teeny Tiny Things - Worms! (Week beginning 4/5/20)

This week we are learning about worms.
This weeks activities are all linked daily below!

I hope you've been practising your sounds!

I wonder if you can start making some words with all the sounds we've looked at!

(This task is for N2 but there is no harm in practising with N1 children)




Click on the link above and practise reading with phonics!

I've also linked some CVC Phase 1 and 2 reading activities in the 'Extras' below.


N1 and N2 children can continue practising initial sounds on the mobile/tablet friendly game below:


Phonic Pop Game


Keep practising your Jolly Phonics rhymes!

Miss Mac reads Yucky Worms!

Yucky Worms by Vivian French
Read by Miss Mac

Miss Mac reads Wiggling Worms at Work!

Wiggling Worms at Work by Wendy Pfeffer
Read by Miss Mac

Saturday 25th April 2020


Dear Children, Parents and Caregivers,


We will be starting our new topic this week - Teeny Tiny Things!


Our first week will take an initial look at different minibeasts and activities related to this.

Following this week, we will take a closer look at different minibeasts each week.


I hope you are all well, should you need any support or help please contact me at;


An overview of our new topic and what I aim the children to achieve throughout the Summer Term.


For Parents:


Our New Topic is Teeny Tiny Things!

This project has a Knowledge and Understanding of the World focus and enables children to explore details of both the natural and man-made world, using a range of methods and resources to observe things carefully.


In this project children will learn about:

  • How to look for tiny details with care and concentration
  • Equipment such as magnifying glasses to observe things closely
  • Small wonders of the natural world
  • How to use a digital camera to take photographs of details
  • Intricate patterns seen on both natural and man-made objects
  • Look and research living things that are tiny
  • Representing ideas, observations and creativity, using drawing, mark-making, technology and words
  • Using creative skills to design, make and talk about a range of objects and artefacts linked to the theme
  • The Welsh language using words and phrases across a range of experiences both in the indoor and outdoor environment.


Kindest regards,


Miss Mac 



Home Learning Video - Introduction to Teeny Tiny Things!

An introduction to our new topic Teeny Tiny Things

Sunday 19th April 2020 


Dear Parents and Caregivers,


Another week has come and gone! 

I hope you are all still well, healthy and keeping safe.

The 'new normal' is starting to sink in for me now, but that doesn't mean I still don't miss Nursery more and more each day!


If you haven't already seen it on our Twitter or Facebook page the staff have put together a fun video for the children (and you!) to have a good giggle too!


Here is the link! -


We had lots of fun making it and hope you have as much fun watching!


This weeks work has been posted below,


Take care. Stay safe, stay home!


Lots of love,


Miss Mac and Mrs Oates



Happy Easter!


See the three documents below for activities you can complete this Easter break.


Stories are being uploaded every couple of days to:

or search 'Miss Mac reads' and it should appear!


More work for the week beginning 20th April will be uploaded shortly.


Thank you for your support,


Miss Mac 


Dear Parents and Caregivers,


I hope you are all well!

We are now two weeks into this ‘new normal’! I am personally still finding it all very abnormal!

I hope you are all staying safe and you are able to find some positives during this difficult time.


I have uploaded our regular ‘Daily Dos’ to the website. We complete these in Nursery each morning. I will also be posting daily activities for the children to carry out, these will include one activity along with some questions or challenges for each day.


I hope the children are keeping well and are enjoying spending this time with family.

I am missing them all so, so much!


Here is a selection of free ‘Celebrity classes’ you can utilise to keep the children entertained and active at home:



I have also been recording storybooks on YouTube. Feel free to search ‘Miss Mac reads..’ Most links have been posted on Twitter.


I would love to see what the children are up to, if you can, share your pictures on Twitter and tag @BryncochCiW.


If you need any support, please do not hesitate to get in touch –


Twitter - @Miss_McManusL

Email –


Kindest regards, stay safe,


Miss Mac


Daily Dos!

Easter Home Learning Challenges

How to explain Covid-19 to your child!

Dear Parent/Caregiver,


With the concerns over the Coronavirus outbreak and how this might impact your child’s learning, we are offering some ideas to continue their education during any potential absences.


We also appreciate that keeping children engaged in their learning whilst at home is not going to be easy and so we have prepared content for your child that can be completed both independently and with adult support.


As you know, we have been looking at the topic of ‘Scrumptious’. Our engagement stories have been ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle and ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ by Judith Kerr.


The animation of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ is available on YouTube. Click here!


You can also go through colours in English and Welsh.

Sing a rainbow - Click here!

Lliwiau enfys - Click here! 


Counting basic objects up to 5, 10 or 20.


Practice Phase 1 and 2 phonics (s, a, t, i, p, n, c/k, e, h, r, m, d).

Looking up ‘Phase 1 and 2 Jolly Phonics’ on YouTube will provide you with the basic rhymes and songs we’ve been learning to help understand our sounds.

Click here for Phase 1

Click here for Phase 2


We have also been working hard on writing our names, this can be practiced at home too.


I’ve created some challenges under each area of learning – some rely on resources and if these are not available at home, please don’t worry! 


These learning packs are here to support you.

Feel free to work with your child outside of this handbook as well!

Please click on the links below to see different challenges and worksheets for each area of learning.


Thank you so much for your support and co-operation.




Miss Mac and Mrs Oates












Languages, Literacy and Communication

100 Indoor Activities for Children!
